'Immune Boost' Elderberry Herbal Extract (30 ml)

Humble Collective CBD
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Great for daily use to help your body fend off any illness that enters your orbit. Custom formulated by the herbalist behind Roots to Remedies, Alexandra Duran. No CBD.

Available in 30 ml size glass bottles with droppers. 

How to Use: Add a dropperful of extract under tongue, hold for 30 seconds before swallowing or add to about a quarter cup of water or juice before ingesting. 

About the Herbs:

Elder Berry: These berries are commonly utilized for bolstering winter wellness, as well as throughout the year. Elder berry supports immune health to help you stay feeling your best and supports the body’s immune defenses to stay feeling healthy.*

Rosehips: The rose hip, also called the rose haw, is actually the fruit of the rose. These fruits have a tart flavor and are one of the most concentrated sources of vitamin C available. Rosehips have a long history of use in traditional medicine.

Astragalus: An herb with a long history of use in TCM as well as in broader Asian culture, astragalus root is also known as Huang Qi in Chinese. It is considered one of the fundamental herbs in TCM. Astragalus supports immune health to help you stay feeling your best and supports the body’s immune defenses to stay feeling healthy.* Astragalus is used in TCM as an adaptogen to increase energy and resistance to stress.*

Ginger: For thousands of years, ginger was utilized in TCM to support the lung, spleen, heart, and stomach meridians. Ginger root is considered energetically hot and acrid in TCM and energetically pungent and sweet in Ayurveda. Ginger root supports healthy digestion and helps relieve occasional upset stomach and nausea.*

Oregano: This kitchen staple can be used to support digestion and has many other beneficial properties to offer. Oregano is filled with healthful nutrients and wonderful antioxidant qualities.

Chamomile: Chamomile promotes relaxation and supports digestive health.*


Ingredients: Elderberry, Rosehips, Astragalus, Ginger, Oregano and Chamomile in a sweet Glycerin base. No CBD.

How to Use: 

Dosage: Ages 2-5: 5 drops

Ages 6-12: 10 drops

Ages 13+: 20 drops (1 dropper full)


We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications. Persons with allergies to other members of the Asteraceae family should exercise caution with chamomile. The infusion should not be used near the eyes. 

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.